
Tuesday, July 6, 2021


 Here is a link to our slides 

In the past week we had to learn about cultures around the world. We  chose Japanese. We had to learn about what Japanese eat, famous games, their traditional holiday, traditional clothing, traditional kai, location, traditional music and beliefs and values. 

I now know that an kimono is a japanese traditional  piece of clothing

I learnt that the belt that goes around the kimono is called an obi 

I like how japanese kai is sushi

And here is a link to where I planned my blog with my roupu. LINK

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Waka Hourua

Today we worked in groups to learn about a waka, first my group started by creating a slide and made our own slide. Then we started to research waka hourua after we finished researching we took out key words and write it on our own slide. Finally we planed where were putting everything on our piece of paper and  we showed our teacher the photos once she saw them she printed them so we could cut out and glue them on our brown piece of paper were we planed to put everything.

Here is a link to the slide

Thank you for reading my blog. 

can you make a blog about your amazing work.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Cool Information about Panthers


Panthers are apart of the big cat like Lions, Jaguars, Leopards and other kinds of big cats.                            Panthers have sharp claws so they can climb tall trees. They are black to blend in with dark backgrounds and also so its prey can't see or hear it coming.


Panthers hunt for dear, wild boar, wild hogs, rabbits, dogs, birds and fish. Once they get their prey they climb a tree and eats it in the branches.


You can usually find them in tropical and deciduous forest. The panthers can also be found in marsh, swamplands, grasslands, deserts and mountains.

Did you know.

Panthers are classified as endangered. Panthers eat meat so they are classified as carnivores. Panthers come in 4 colours black, white, yellowish and yellowish with black dots

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Koru art


                        This is my koru art.

                        I liked  watering it with a paint brush.

                        Next time I could improve on my drawing.


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Learn about The beginning

 here are phases of Maori evolution. 

I am going to tell you about the first phase ‘Te Kore’.

Te Kore is the void, the nothingness before time began.

Before Ranginui and Papatuanuku were in their embrace, before the creation of all our Atua, before life as we know it, was ‘Te Kore’

The void where there was nothing but ideas and possibilities.

Na Te Kore, Te Pō

Ki te Whai-Ao

Ki te Ao-Mārama

Tihei mauri-ora

From the void, the night

To the glimmer of dawn

To the bright light of day

There is life

-Te Kore

Here is a picture I made of Te Kore.

(insert a picture of your colouring in)

Have you ever heard of Te Kore? Do you know what the next phase is?

Friday, May 7, 2021

The best mothers day

 We made a Mother's day card.

First we researched  quotes and poems about Mothers day in Maori and English.

After deciding which one to use. we wrote it into our pukapuka then onto our cards.

I chose this one: Ko te whaea te takere o te waka - Mothers are like the hull of a canoe. they are the heart of the family by MHem.

Next we found an origami flower tutorial on youtube and created a flower for the card.

Finally we made a body sugar scrub out of sugar, coconut oil, essential oil and food colouring. My scrub was lemon scented.

What did you make your mum for mothers day?


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

My amazing digital portrait.

 When we started we. First, I took a photo. Then we added a new layer and out layered our photo. Finally we added .

 I enjoyed making my portrait, out lining it and coloring it in. It was fun because I love colouring in.

Thank you for reading my blog post but here is a question: can you make a blog post about your digital portrait?

here is a photo of my portrait and a link to it

My amazing time at 2021 camp

When we got to camp we first talked about the rules. Then we picked our dorms. Finally we started our rotations for the activities.

I enjoyed the camp because it was so fun and it did water activities on hot days.

Thank you for reading my blog post but here is a question: can you make a blog post about your Amazing camp?

Here is a photo and link to my camp timeline

Friday, March 19, 2021

My timetable

i hate you tatiana hussey cooper